مشخصات کتاب
Andy Petrella
Learning Play! Framework 2
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Play! Framework 2 7
Preparing your machine 7
Downloading the package 8
Installing 8
Microsoft Windows 9
Mac OS X 10
Ubuntu 10
The Typesafe Stack 10
Checking if it's okay in your terminal 10
Creating your first project 12
Keeping your habits 14
Using Eclipse 15
Eclipse Juno 15
Using Scala IDE 18
IntelliJ IDEA 19
Sublime Text 2 21
Simple Build Tool 23
Adding a third-party dependency 24
Repositories 24
It's alive and not empty! 25
Browsing the Java API 27
Understanding the core pieces 28
Routing 28
Action 30
Similarities between the Java and Scala action code 32
Differences between the Java and Scala action code 32
Templates 33
Practicing 36
Modifying the template 36
Modifying the controller 37
Modifying the content type to JSON 38
Browsing our errors 39
Summary 42
Chapter 2: Scala – Taking the First Step 43
Introducing Scala 44
Expressing your code 44
If-else 44
Switch/Pattern matching 46
Generic types 47
Iterating over a sequence 50
Function – foreach 50
Function – map 51
Function – filter 52
Function – exists 52
Function – find 53
Function – apply 55
Other interesting functions 56
Partial application 56
Summary 58
Chapter 3: Templating Easily with Scala 59
Shape it, compose it, re-use it 59
Creating our first template 60
Structuring it 61
Adding content 61
Composing templates 63
Passing data structures 64
Playing around 67
Laying out 67
Using domain models 69
Re-using our code 72
Skinning with LESS pain 76
Summary 78
Chapter 4: Handling Data on the Server Side 79
Feeding some data 80
Forming a (server) form 80
Ingesting data 83
Extracting the data 83
Enhancing your data 85
آموزش Programming Entity Framework : Entity Framework
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آموزش Entity Framework 4 in Action : Entity Framework
نویسنده: Stefano Mostarda
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آموزش Entity Framework 6 Recipes : Entity Framework
نویسنده: Brian Driscoll
زبان: انگلیسی